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Affordability, Accountability, Innovation and Reform

Platinum Equity wholeheartedly supports efforts to reform business practices in the corrections services industry. We are driving a comprehensive reform agenda at portfolio company Aventiv and its subsidiary Securus Technologies to make services more accessible and affordable for incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.

COVID-19 Response

On March 13, the day COVID-19 was declared a national emergency in the United States, Securus began offering free and discounted services to every one of its state and county corrections agency customers.

The company has provided:

Free Phone Calls


Total Minutes


Video Connections


Email Message Stamps


“All of these actions to support individuals impacted by COVID-19 are part of a broader effort to transform the company and make services more accessible and affordable for incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.”

— Platinum Equity Chairman and CEO Tom Gores

Tom Gores, Chairman and CEO Platinum Equity

Aventiv Transformation Hub

Learn more about how Securus, JPAY and Allpaid are using technology to build a safer and more equitable corrections industry.


Securus News

Access all the latest news from Securus

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We have the opportunity - and the responsibility - to address the financial and social needs of the communities we serve, making our services more affordable and accessible while continuing to innovate and help our government partners keep those communities safe and secure.
Dave Abel, Aventiv CEO
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